Bread School

of Mission

Thrusting out “sent ones”, everywhere.

There is no other Ecclesia, church of Jesus Christ, than a sent, advancing, missional one, seeking and saving that which has been lost, plundering hell and populating heaven. Indeed, for centuries, there has not been a more urgent need for the Body of Christ to be set on fire with God and sent out by our King Jesus to take back the ravaged lands!

Bread School of Mission is our answer to that heavenly charge. Once weekly, every Monday morning term-time, believers of every age and stage will join a community of Jesus-lovers on an 8 month long deep dive into lavish worship, prayer, meaty, word-based teaching and equipping with weekly PRACTICAL outreach for The Great Commission.

What will it be like?

  • Encounter: ⁠You will learn a rhythm of encounter with God both personally and as a corporate Body, ministering to the Lord and being touched deeply by the Holy Spirit.

  • Doctrine and Calling: You will be taught on foundational and key doctrines of the new covenant in Jesus as well as actively encouraged into your personal gifting and missional calling.

  • ⁠⁠Commitment: you will be accountable to the group, as we grow in imitating the consistent fellowship and agape love of the early church, moving away from the flakiness, knowledge and information-surfing of the present age.

  • ⁠⁠Concentrated/intimate/the whole man: you are bringing your whole life to the altar, we all are! You are not coming to a Greek amphitheatre of learning but a temple of fellowship with Jesus and each other, which the Lord intends to fill.

  • ⁠⁠Christ-centric: this school is about Jesus/Fervent love/Mature discipleship - it is not about Bread cafe etc, although important opportunities and training about the ministry and mission of Bread will come up.

  • Practical: you will learn, be imparted to and then apply and step out in what you have gleaned! You will be (gently) pushed out of your comfort zone, exercise your spiritual gifts, step over your personal and relative chicken lines, learn to minister and step boldly into His mission as a King and Priest in His Kingdom. All in the knowledge that we are all in this wild ride together, with our gracious, kind Saviour endlessly encouarging and empowering us.

  • ⁠⁠Kingdom Inviting/Welcoming: this school is for anyone who wants to go deep with the Lord; you don’t have to “be a part of Bread fellowship”, but we would like you to have communicated well with your local church first.

What qualifications do I need?

  1. Hunger for God

  2. Hunger to be everything God has called you to be.

  3. Walking in purity (or passionate to).

  4. Ready to count the cost - all in.

When and Where?

Starts Monday 30th September, 9am-1pm, then weekly and termly.

Upper Room, Bread Cafe, Yeovil


Hosted and led by Dominic Muir and his team. Dominic is married to Thea, they have four children and together they oversee Bread Cafe and Missions hub. Dominic has over 20 years experience leading ministry and missions across the world, including gospel crusades with signs and wonders, national worship and outreach festivals, street ministry and pioneer apostolic entrepreneurialism. Dominic and the team will also be joined by bespoke guest speakers.

What does the schedule* look like?

(*Subject to our Helper and Teacher, Holy Spirit)

•⁠ ⁠Gather from 8:30am

•⁠ ⁠⁠9:00am: Worship and prayer

•⁠ ⁠⁠10:00am: Word & Training

•⁠ ⁠⁠11:00am: (Excellent) Coffee Break

•⁠ ⁠11:15am: ⁠Small groups and further prayer

•⁠ ⁠⁠⁠⁠12:00 noon: Outreach incl. Jesus at the Door & Proclamation

•⁠ ⁠⁠13:00 “Milk” New Believers Lunch

Runs until May 2025. More information to follow shortly.

Registration is free.

Apply by clicking on and completing the below registration form: