Forming Christian Leaders in the Home, Neighbourhood & Nation

Men. God loves men. Women love men. Women need God's men. Children need God's men. Men need God's men. God's men are God's sons. They have returned to the Father and are daily returning. Real men love Jesus.

Do you like being a man? Do you know how to be a man – a real son in the Kingdom? Do you know who you are called to be?
Let Jesus show you.

Monthly Men’s Breakfast.

  • Bacon baps, croissants, decent coffee (on the house).

  • Worship and Word.

  • Confession and life dump at The Cross.

  • Prophetic prayer and encouragement.

  • A love offering will be taken.

Next event: 9-12:00 noon, Saturday 28th September @Bread cafe, Yeovil (and then every fourth Saturday morning)

“For the earnest expectation of the creation eagerly waits for the revealing of the sons of God. because the creation itself also will be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God. For we know that the whole creation groans and labors with birth pangs together until now.”

Romans 8:19, 21-22

Bread For Men exist to Form Christian Leaders for the Home, Neighbourhood & Nation.

Bread for Men guides men on a profound journey of self-discovery, healing and empowerment. At Bread for Men, we believe that every man can cultivate a life of purpose and fulfillment. Our mission is to provide the tools, support and community to make this a successful journey. Bread for Men helps you grow spiritually, become more resilient and gain a deeper understanding of who God made you to be.Join us and take the first step towards reclaiming your strength, wisdom, and inner peace.

Join us to take the first step.

We invite you to journey together as brothers who become what our heavenly Father has called us to be: Beloved sons, sitting at His table, with all authority, free of shame, healed from orphan-hearted living, powerful, pure, brave, vulnerable and true. We love well as sons, brothers, fathers and husbands. 

Bread for Men is a place for restoring godly masculinity in the home, in the church, and in the nation. We embrace accountability, confession of sin, and repent of lies, independence and false-masculine lifestyles. We boldly declare our divine purpose and calling. All these things result in true and lasting transformation as we build a generation of Kingdom sons. 

“And he will turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers, lest I come and strike the earth with a curse.” - Malachi 4:6

Sons of Light

An online group for becoming Godly men: Prophets, Priests, and Kings together

Online Every Saturday 6am

  • In our online gatherings, we celebrate our victories in God, the testimonies of which will prophesy and perpetuate more victories. We remind each other of what Jesus Christ has accomplished for us at the cross, so that we can walk in the fullness of His blessing and reward.

    We remind each other of who our perfect Father really is, because how we see the Father is arguably the most important thing about us. We remind each other of who we really are to Him, and who we are in Christ: sons of the Most High God. This is because our healthy “who” always leads to our healthy “do”.

    This grou is about worship in spirit and truth, growing our character and integrity, and putting an end to mask-wearing, secret sin, the false masculine, and going round the same mountains year after year. We own our setbacks, bring our junk into the light in a safe space, and become increasingly free in Christ.

    It’s a group for deep male intimacy that champions true masculinity, agape love, covenantal living and authentic Christian brotherhood.

    It’s a group to mould sons who will become fathers of fathers. It’s a group using prayer, sweat and some tears to see the masculine war cry and lion’s roar return to our spiritually barren and confused land. 

    Join us: step into the light, in Jesus’ mighty name.

Our Next Event

15-17 November 2024



Location: Bread, Yeovil


Our Mandates

First love for Jesus

We are called to holiness and consecration as the male Bride of our Bridegroom King Jesus, not out of legalism, but out of romance with the One who loves us like no other. This is our foundation for everything.


Through the cultivation of a fervent love and grace for each other in Jesus, our goal is to ensure every brother is made to feel safe to bring their brokenness, mess and pain into the light. We are righteous in Christ, so we encourage the removal of all religious masks, performance and false-masculine guards and posturing in order to model and encourage humble authenticity, regular repentance and freeing confession. All for freedom and living in the light habitually, in Jesus’ name.

Fathering Families

To preach, teach and model God’s design for covenantal marriage, righteous parenting, sacred singleness, spiritual headship, sexual wholeness, freedom and purity - in Jesus’ name and by the Holy Spirit.

Gospel Preaching

To preach the gospel to each other and the world because the gospel is the righteousness of God and the power of God unto salvation, to all who believe. To receive from the divine exchange of Christ’s finished work at Calvary and minister that salvation, healing and deliverance power to others, regularly.

Fathering Culture and Society

Man (and women) are called by God to Led by the Spirit of God, to model bold leadership, influence and speaking out in the public space, market place, neighbourhood and region as spiritual sons, fathers, ambassadors, prophets, priests and kings.

“Bread for Men has provided a brotherhood where I am accountable, challenged and encouraged week by week. The Holy Spirit has been poured into my life in a greater way because hidden places have been brought into the light, walls have come down and the love of a compassionate father has gripped my heart. The future looks bright as I learn to govern and be the head in my sphere of influence instead of the tail. I feel the call for mighty men to rise up in this fatherless generation!”

John Hollingsworth

  • Is your spiritual life one of 'sin management'? Or are you drinking deeply from that fountain of Living Water that quenches all thirst?

    Come join a group of like-hearted men on a marvellous journey to grow up, grow out, and grow together.

  • Dominic Muir has mentored Christian men for 20 years.

    Dominic specialises in mentoring on walking in the call of God, enjoying intimacy with God, conflict management, overcoming shame, fear, condemnation and guilt, developing courage, starting a new project, ministry or business, exploring dating in a godly way, preparing for marriage or overcoming issues in married life.


  • To raise up mighty men of God in a fatherless generation.

    Our mission is to provide tools, support, and a community for men to embark on a journey of self-discovery, healing, and empowerment. We aim to help men reconnect with their authentic selves, heal past wounds, and cultivate a life of purpose and fulfilment.

  • Bread for Men is open to all men seeking growth, resilience, and a deeper understanding of their faith. Whether you’re just beginning your journey or looking to continue your development, our community is here to support you.

  • We offer a variety of resources including events, online resources, support groups, and one-on-one mentoring.

  • You can get involved by signing up for our programs, participating in our online community, attending events, or subscribing to our newsletter for updates and resources. Visit our website for more details on how to join and get started.

  • Our programs cover a wide range of topics including emotional intelligence, mental health, physical well-being, relationship building, career development, and spiritual growth. We aim to address all facets of a man’s life to promote holistic growth.

  • Absolutely. Our programs are designed to be accessible to men at all stages of their journey. Whether you’re a beginner or have prior experience, you’ll find valuable resources and support at Bread for Men.

  • You can stay updated by subscribing to our newsletter, following us on social media, and regularly checking our website for news and updates. We frequently post information about new programs, events, and resources.

I attended your training needing healing, I needed the LORD to heal my mess and restore to me faith, my marriage (Oh man my marriage needed the LORDs hand!) I also needed the LORD to heal me of my anger issues as they were becoming an issue with how i was speaking to the Kids.

Your men prayed for me, at the event and as I left.

Dom, the LORD is FAITHFUL. This last year has been the best year of Mine and Annabelles entire marriage (even the since dating). We really love each other, serve each other, pray deeply together regularly God has transformed and softened my heart. I used to explode at the kids daily and in the last year I could probably count on one hand how many times I’ve lost my temper, and even then it’s 10% compared to what it was. I don’t lose my control anymore.

And more than anything we BELIEVE in the LORDs heart for Japan and we are seeing Him move! We have had dreams, words and other encounters which have shown us that God is going to restore the Japanese bride and make her ready for His return.

I came to you camp a broken, exhausted man with no faith. The LORD didn’t just heal, He totally restored me. Even before i sent this message I was just crying because of His faithfulness and what’s He’s done!

Jonathan Last


"It has been a privilege to grow in my walk with God, dependence on the presence of God in day to day life, courage to live wholeheartedly as a leader and to spread the knowledge of Christ everywhere. Dominic lives out the "one thing have I desired of the Lord" message that David sang of in Psalm 27 and it rubs off. I have been inspired in the "early will I seek You" (Psalm 63), and that our Lord Jesus Himself is our high calling; to sit at Jesus's feet, to fall in love with Jesus, and to stay in love with Jesus."

Eirik Netland

“Bread For Men has provided a safe space to be known warts and all by others Christian brothers without fear of judgement or punishment, a place to come as I am and simultaneously be challenged and called higher not to stay that way and to boldly embrace true discipleship and the way of the cross. I have found here authentic, real and transparent male relationships that most Christian men do not have in most churches today, a game changer!”

Marcus Hockley

"I've been crying out for some kind of deliberate, regular, intentional mentoring.... So this opportunity has meant a great deal to me."

Jason Wain

“This for me has been about identity. What my upbringing couldn’t provide, model, or outline, has been instilled through this community of brothers.
Understanding that I have a masculine identity first, then stepping into an ownership and stewardship of that identity in Christ is what this journey has been about.”

Nate Thomas

“Bread for Men has given me a band of brothers whose lives are centred on Jesus. We have a hunger to encourage each other through being honest and transparent. I have been equipped and empowered through wknd conferences and weekly zoom calls. I'm a changed man pursuing Jesus in every walk of my life because I've been set free from things that were holding me back.”

Tim Bagwell

“This has been a lifeline to me: a place for confession of sin, repentance, healing and restoration when I most needed it. It has been a glorious fellowship of 'walking in the light and having fellowship with each other', of integrity, transparency and brotherly intimacy and love. It has been AMAZING!”

Joel Baker

“Bread for Men has given me a band of brothers pursuing an uncompromised life following Jesus. These are true men who love Jesus, confess their sins, hold one another accountable, preach the full gospel and pray with abandon. In other words, they are normal Christian men: Biblical men, not just "church men"; they are disciples of Christ, not just "nice guys". They know who they are and Whose they are.”

Alan Searle

“Brotherhood, accountability, challenged, encouraged and inspired as I hear what others are doing to bring God’s kingdom to those around them.”

Adam Westhead

“Bread for Men has provided a safe place to bring light into the dark areas where most men’s groups are not willing to go, to be seen and to be truly known.

Healing, restoration, transparency, acceptance overlapped by the shaping of the Holy Spirit leading men into the truth of who they’re in a generation of men that no longer know what it is to be a masculine man of God.”

James Spurling

Meet the Team

  • Dominic is happily married with four children. Saved 22 years ago out of a life of hedonism, God has called him as an apostolic pioneer, evangelist, teacher, author and revivalist with a passion for street ministry and the priesthood of all believers.

    Dominic ran a church on the streets of the red light district in London for seven years. He has authored a discipleship course and two books, taken missionary teams to foreign countries to lead gospel crusades with healing and deliverance, as well as hosting large scale evangelistic outreaches across the UK touching thousands, including the last 10 years in Trafalgar Square, London (ROAR).

    Dominic runs charity Now Believe, business and identity mission I Am So Many Things with his wife (, Bread Cafe in Yeovil, ( and is founder of David's Tent. Dominic is utterly dependent, in love with and addicted to Jesus. Aside from that he likes gardening, classic old films and wild swimming.

  • James was saved at the age of 38 years old out of life hedonism, brokenness, false masculinity, and a feeling of never being good enough and was marked deeply by the love of God after a powerful life changing encounter with Jesus. A sold-out heart for lost and a passion to see people walk in the truth of their identity as a Son of the King.

    A long career in sales James now works as an Operations Director for a corporate staffing business and evangelises the good news in the workplace, on the streets of the UK and mission trips abroad. God has called James to prepare the way of the Lord and be on the front line to advance the Kingdom by raising up passionate filled men of God, who will sacrifice all they know to save the lost souls of this world.

  • Alan Searle is a son, a father and a brother; a lover of Christ who is passionate about seeing men equipped as Jesus wants them equipped.

    When the complete futility of his self-directed life shouted loud enough he finally heard Jesus’ subtle knock on the door. He turned the handle and welcomed Christ into his life at the tender age of 56, and hasn’t looked back.

    Alan is a graduate of the Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry (Redding, California) and is happily married to a BSSM classmate. He was born in America deep in the last century and has lived in the UK since August 2018.

    Alan helped plant the UK branch of an online school of supernatural ministry, SOF Ministry School in 2020, which he co-led for three years. He has served at the Bethel Healing Rooms and at the Healing Rooms of SW London. He and his wife are active in various capacities at Holy Trinity Church in Clapham, South London.

    Along the way, Alan has published two memoirs about his life with Christ. He writes regularly online and is currently working on a collection of poetry, and his first novel.

Get in touch.

Interested in mentoring? Or want to know more? Simply use this form to get in touch and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.