Monthly Lunch 

& Worship

Gathering the precious people of God around the delicious table of the Lord.

An invitation to all.

Every second Sunday of the month at 1pm.

So continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, they ate their food with gladness and simplicity of heart, 47 praising God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord added to the church daily those who were being saved.

- Acts 2:46-47

Perhaps you have enjoyed church somewhere and want somewhere to have lunch with other believers? It being lunch time, perhaps you are now physically hungry and still a bit spiritually hungry? Perhaps you are in a season of loneliness and want company with those that know and love Jesus? Perhaps you want your fellowship with Christians to run across the seeming boundaries of denominational lines and deeper than the understandable confines of a Sunday morning meeting? Perhaps you just want more and you are not even sure you have the words to explain what that is?

Then this gathering is for you.

We must not underestimate the rhythm and practice of the early church, our biblical model. Their fellowship was daily, deep, intimate. They ate together, celebrating the gospel in their feasting. There was room for long conversation, laughter, prayer, around the things of God in a relaxed, unboundaried, “unorganised” way. They worshipped Jesus around the simplicity of eating together and knowing each other beyond “a Sunday service”. We see that the Lord adds to His ecclesia around this agape love and practice; even favour with the people is thrown into the recipe.

We welcome all flavours of Christian to our long table at Bread for these lunches! We look forward to this “gladness of heart”, good food (bring 'n’ share), and intimacy spilling over into prolonged worship of Jesus and ministry into the afternoon, as long as the Lord and people can afford! How precious.

Can anyone come?

Yes, any person, believer, non believer, any church or denomination.

When and Where?

The second Sunday of each month, 1pm.

Bread Cafe, Yeovil