Invite Dom

Event Speaker | One-to-One Mentorship

Dominic has been in full-time Christian ministry 20 years, speaking at events and churches across the world, has authored three books and has pioneered national gospel initiatives, events and discipleship schools touching thousands across the earth. Dominic is also CEO to two Christian businesses and a charity.

Dominic specialises in mentoring on walking in the call of God, enjoying intimacy with God, conflict management, overcoming shame, fear, condemnation and guilt, developing courage, starting a new project, ministry or business, exploring dating in a godly way, preparing for marriage or overcoming issues in married life.

Owing to time constraints, mentees are selected prayerfully (both sides setting aside a week to pray), on a case by case basis (with laid out goals in mind) and subject to an hourly rate of pay (there is a reduced student/pensioner rate). More information is available upon application below. Whichever way you go, remember: you are worthy of God’s best. Jesus crucified, raised from the dead, is the evidence.

About Dom:

Dominic is happily married with four children. He has a background in corporate consultancy, marketing, film-making and teaching. Saved 22 years ago out of a life of hedonism, God has called him as an apostolic pioneer, evangelist, teacher, author and revivalist with a passion for street ministry and the priesthood of all believers.

Dominic ran a church on the streets of the red light district in London for seven years. He has authored a discipleship course and three books, taken missionary teams to foreign countries to lead gospel crusades with healing and deliverance, as well as hosting large scale evangelistic outreaches across the UK touching thousands, including the last 10 years in Trafalgar Square, London (ROAR).

Dominic is CEO of charity Now Believe, business and identity mission I Am So Many Things with his wife (, Bread Cafe church (in Yeovil), is founder of David's Tent and holds a first class degree from Newcastle University. Dominic likes classic old films, swimming in the sea and loves to see Jesus get His full reward in and through a person’s life.

"I've been crying out for some kind of deliberate, regular, intentional mentoring.... So this opportunity has meant a great deal to me”

— Jason Wain


There is no speaker’s fee but there is an important speaker’s request. That all travel expenses are paid and that the leadership pray intentionally about what God would have them give Dominic. Heaven’s resources flow through honour.

“For the Scripture says, You shall not muzzle an ox when it is treading out the grain, and again, The labourer is worthy of his hire.” 1 Tim 5:18

Dominic has 20 years of ministry experience and loves to preach, teach and exhort on the following subjects (and more):

  • The supremacy of Jesus

  • Abiding in the secret place

  • The crucified life

  • Repentance and the renewal of the mind

  • The love of the father

  • The apostolic call

  • The call of the evangelist

  • Empowering every believer to share the simple gospel

  • Preaching and Proclamation

  • The balance between grace and faith

  • The righteousness of Christ

  • The Anointing

  • The fear of the Lord

  • The flesh vs. the Spirit

  • Breaking free from the fear of man

  • Holy boldness and confronting cultural marxism

  • The call to holiness

  • Freedom from the shame, fear and control stronghold

  • Freedom from Porn toward Sexual Purity

  • The Journey of the Heart

  • Recovering Biblical Manhood

  • Healthy Dating and Married life

  • Conflict Management

  • Pioneer ministry

Get in touch

"I learned how to resolve conflict and see who I really am - God's son, a father and a leader. God did a deep, deep work in me, from sonship to leading my home, standing against intimidation and fear and witnessing to others. I was fathered by Dominic's wisdom and experience as he articulated what God was seeking to do in and through me”

— John Hollingsworth