& Shine


Weekly Rhythms of Prayer.

Standing in the gap for the destiny of our neighbourhood and the nations.

What is Rise & Shine Prayer?

Rise & Shine Prayer is three separate weekly opportunities, two in person and one online, for all and any followers of our Lord Jesus Christ, to gather and pray for our neighbourhood, the nations and however God would lead us by His Spirit.

  1. An early Tuesday evening Yeovil-prayer-walk. (see poster below with details)

  2. An early Wednesday morning Yeovil-prayer-breakfast (see poster below with details)

  3. An online zoom on Friday mornings at 7am led by brother Rammie. https://us02web.zoom.us/j/7771421968

The Lord Jesus has given His church all authority over the powers of darkness, to advance His Kingdom and government. We must take it, use it and enforce that authority and power over the spiritual airwaves, led by the Holy Spirit in establishing His purposes in the earth. A prayerful church is a victorious one and a prayer-less church results in a demonised nation.

Our nation is beyond political help. We must have a Great Awakening. More than ever the church of Jesus needs to be on her knees and praying. Praying to win the battle in the air, praying for the lost and broken, praying for our leaders, praying for the emerging generation, praying for Israel, praying for families, praying for marriages, praying for the unborn and the voiceless, praying for the ministries of Bread and other kingdom initiatives, praying for the persecuted church, praying for boldness and unity across the Bride of Christ, praying for harvesters to be trained properly and thrust out into every dark place, repenting from our idolatry, lukewarmness, compromise and slumber, praying for God’s glory and Holy Spirit fire and anointing to baptise us afresh - praying for revival, reformation, renaissance.

It’s time to rise and shine! Please join us and please spread the word to all Christians - these gatherings welcome all believers carrying a God-given burden for the days we live in.

Every place that the sole of your foot will tread upon I have given you, as I said to Moses.

- Joshua 1:3

“Arise, shine, for your light has come,
    and the glory of the Lord rises upon you. See, darkness covers the earth
    and thick darkness is over the peoples,
but the Lord rises upon you
    and his glory appears over you.”

— Isaiah 60:1-2

  • Yes, anyone who genuinely wants to explore the heart of our goal.

  • No, but we’d love to know if you plan on coming!

  • Yes, more than one.

  • No. :)

  • Yes, we are an exceptional cafe!

  • Dominic Muir or one of his great team at Bread

  • From Bread - 48 Middle street, Yeovil BA20 1LX

  • Please come and speak to one of our team at Bread cafe!

Have any other questions? Please do not hesitate to get in touch.

Where to find us.

Find us at our Bread coffee shop:

48 Middle Street
Yeovil, BA20 1LX, United Kingdom